Grape Juice.

Drink wine with us - kind of

Sure, we like restaurants that locally source kale from an urban farm down the street. And we like restaurants that have chefs with more formal training than we have education. That’s half the reason we live in NYC. But we also like going outside and drinking wine in the woods. And pairing cabs with empanadas from Jackson Heights. In either case, it’s fun to drink wine that you like and to know why you like it. There is a history and backstory and nuance to explore. That’s why we made Lost Tribe and we hope that you’ll enjoy it.

Lost Tribe Wine Club is a monthly email that recommends a few wines at varying price points and some easily digestible info on the selections and tasting in general. The emails are packed with links for those that want to dig deeper, but are quick reads for those who want good wine and the cliff notes for impressing friends.

We want to try new wine, create community and build knowledge so that the hobby feels less pretentious and more accessible. If we lose our way or sound too snooty, let us know. Otherwise, cheers, enjoy and send us your recommendations!